OCIES invites proposals – in English, Māori and French – from researchers, policymakers and practitioners from throughout the Oceania region and beyond. We see this conference as a significant opportunity to listen to and learn from each other, to both disseminate and explore high quality academic research, and share and analyse experiences of how relationality is expressed in applied educational settings.

Proposals must meet the submission guidelines provided for the chosen type of presentation: 1) Individual paper 2) Panel 3) Tok stori/ Talanoa/ Roundtable, or 4) Workshop.

As indicated by the conference title and theme, OCIES 2018 is focused on exploring, celebrating and deepening relationality by enhancing critical debate and dialogue about relationality in comparative, international and other educational settings in Oceania and beyond. We are interested in proposals that explore, celebrate and deepen relationality in Oceania and how CIE can contribute, theoretically, practically and spiritually to education at global, regional, national and community levels, including those that challenge existing CIE knowledge and research approaches and which seek to develop new knowledge and practice.

Towards these objectives, we invite abstract submissions that relate to the OCIES 2018 Conference theme: Exploring, Celebrating and Deepening Oceanic Relationalities.


Contexts for papers may include but are not limited to the following:

1. Relationality in comparative or international collaborations

2. Relationality in teaching, learning and assessments

3. Relationality in indigenous and community education

4. People engagement initiatives in comparative and international education

5. Technology and use in relationality

6. Relational framework development

7. Leading, managing and governing relationality in comparative and international education.


Papers that focus on the following thematic questions are particularly welcome:

Thematic Questions

A. Embracing perspectives from Oceania

Research which highlights Oceanian perspectives in education in the widest sense, which might include but is not limited to:

1. Understanding relationality in Oceania in comparative, international, regional, national and community education.

2. The place of spirituality, expressed as compassion and love (alofa, aroha, aloha, ‘ofa) in education/research/development.

3. Indigenous relational philosophical concepts or frameworks of Oceania in comparative, international and other education settings.

4. Indigeneity in fluid philosophical, socio-cultural, political and theological contexts in comparative, international and other education settings into the future.

B. Addressing methodological issues

Discussions which attend to methodological issues which deal with relationality in the widest sense, which might include but are not limited to:

1. Methodological, practical and metaphorical tools / lessons to explore, celebrate and deepen Oceania relationality.

2. Decolonization and deconstruction of relationality in comparative, international and other education settings.

3. Opportunities/hopes or threats/vulnerabilities in developing a vision of Oceania relationality.

4. Teaching, mentoring, sustaining and evaluating authentic relationality in Oceania comparative, international and other education settings in times of injustice, self-promotion, fierce competition and relativist ethics.

C. Ways of moving forward

Thinking which addresses relationality into the future in the widest sense, which might include but is not limited to:

1. Core values and objectives for a more relational OCIES community of scholars, and practical ways of working together as leader-educators to achieve these.

2. The challenges of relationality for comparative, international, regional, national and community education researchers and scholars moving forward.

3. The evolution of comparative, international and other education theory and practice to better support a more relational world.

4. Rethinking/reframing/reimagining our relational futures for a peaceful, prosperous and progressive world.

D. Imagining the unimagined

Tangential, revolutionary, maverick or otherwise new imaginings pertaining to relationality, which might include but are not limited to:

1. Questions about relationality have we yet to ask.

2. Approaches to counter-relational entrenchments in our educational policies, practices and research in comparative, international and other education settings.

3. Relational mindsets we need to re-cultivate/re-construct.

4. Philosophical assumptions/ framings/ thinking yet to be posed/explored/celebrated/deepened.


We look forward to meeting you at this exciting and important event. Registration and Call for Abstracts will open by 10 June