International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives
Call for Papers
Special Issue: Exploring, Celebrating and Deepening Oceanic Relationalities
In a world which is increasingly both interconnected yet individualistic, the need to explore, celebrate, and deepen relationalities in, and through, education has become more evident. These relationalities exist in, and between, various actors, contexts, and scales, and presents possibilities as well as challenges. As a society of scholars from Oceania, we are aware of our moral imperative to explore these possibilities and challenges in a manner which reflects our shared commitment to people-enablement, post-coloniality, deimperialisation, the recognition of Indigenous rights, social justice, and various forms of sustainability. The guest editors of this special issue of International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives invite extended abstracts that explore, celebrate and deepen relationality in, and beyond, Oceania. We invite extended abstracts that consider how Comparative and International Education can contribute, theoretically, practically, and spiritually to education at global, regional, national, and community levels. We also welcome extended abstracts that challenge existing Comparative and International Education knowledge and research approaches, and those which seek to develop new knowledge and practice.
Key dates
Call for abstracts: Opens 19th November 2018
Abstract submissions due: 21 January 2019
Authors notified by: 18th February 2019
Manuscript deadline: 26th April 2019
Submission Policy
Authors: The lead author must be an OCIES member and an Early Career Researcher.
Timeline: Extended abstracts must be submitted on Monday 21st January 2019. Maximum length for abstracts is 1000 words. The abstracts should address the following:
- How is the paper relevant to special issue theme of Exploring, Celebrating and Deepening Oceanic Relationalities?
- A description of the context or setting for the work reported in this article
- A summary of the substantive literature drawn on for the article
- A description of the theoretical or conceptual framework adopted in the article
- For reports on empirical work, the extended abstract must include a description of research methods (including approaches to data analysis and ethical considerations)
- A summary of the article’s main claims and/or findings
- How original is the contribution? What do we learn that we did not know, and why is it important?
- Implications for policy, research, and/or practice arising from the work
Authors will be notified of outcome of proposals by Monday 18th February 2019. Details of the formatting requirements will be sent with notification of acceptance of abstract. Full articles due: Friday 26th April 2019.
Please note: The editorial team reserves the right to accept or reject extended abstracts. Acceptance of the extended abstract does not guarantee acceptance of the draft or final article. Full articles must be print ready and in IEJ:CP format when submitted by 26th April 2019.
Please submit extended abstract via email to by CoB on Monday 21st January 2019 with ‘IEJ:CP Extended Abstract’ as the email subject heading. You will receive confirmation by return email that your extended abstract has been received.
Ngā mihi nui,
Sonia Fonua, Daniel Couch and Donella Cobb (Guest Editors)