The Oceania Comparative and International Education Society (OCIES) has as part of its mandate the goal of furthering and promoting comparative and international education scholarship within the region. A core component of this is supporting new and emerging scholars to share and disseminate their work.  To this end, every year OCIES provides scholarship awards for emerging educational scholars in the region to attend the annual OCIES conference.

We are pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2019 Emerging Scholar Awards for postgraduate students (research masters or PhD) and emerging scholars (up to three years following completion of postgraduate degree) to assist towards attendance at the 2019 OCIES conference in Apia, Samoa (25-28 Nov). Up to five awards are available. In addition to being a postgraduate or emerging scholar, applicants must be a current member of OCIES at the time of application and must have an abstract accepted by the Conference organising committee for presentation. Successful applicants receive free conference registration and AUD$500 towards the costs of transport to, and accommodation at, the 2019 OCIES Conference.

In partnership with the National University of Samoa, we are excited to also offer this year Samoa Education Leadership Awards, for educationalists based in Samoa to attend the 2019 OCIES conference in Apia, Samoa (25-28 Nov).Up to three awards are available. In addition to being based in Samoa and active in education, applicants must have an abstract accepted by the Conference organising committee for presentation.  Successful applicants receive free conference registration and a free three-year membership to OCIES.


Deadline for applications for both Award categories is 1 September 2019


All applications will be reviewed by a small committee, made up of representatives of the OCIES Executive and 2019 conference organising committee. Applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Applicants will be notified by 30 September of the outcome of the selection process.


To apply for an OCIES Emerging Scholar Award:

  1. Submit a conference abstract via the online proposal submission forms on the website.
  2. Send the following information in an email to with the subject line OCIES Emerging Scholar Award application, by 1 September:
    a) A cover letter including your name, current organisational affiliation, and a brief explanation as to why you are applying for this Award, what you hope to gain from the experience of attending the 2019 OCIES Conference, and what your vision is for your future engagement with OCIES.
    b) A copy of your submitted conference abstract
    c) A letter of recommendation from a supervisor that attests to:
    – Your current and future potential to contribute to comparative and international education scholarship in the region
    – Your level of need (i.e. are there other resources available to the applicant for attending the conference within the institution) for receiving such an award
    d) Evidence of current enrolment as a research masters/PhD student, or as someone who has completed a post-graduate qualification in the past three years.

Please direct any queries about the OCIES Emerging Scholar Awards to:

To apply for an OCIES-NUS Samoa Education Leadership Award:

  1. Submit a conference abstract via the online proposal submission forms on the website, by 16 August.
  2. Send the following information in an email to with the subject line OCIES-NUS Samoa Education Leadership Award application, by 1 September:
    a) A cover letter including your name, current organisational affiliation, and a brief explanation as to why you are applying for this Award, what you hope to gain from the experience of attending the 2019 OCIES Conference, and what your vision is for your future engagement with OCIES.
    b) A copy of your submitted conference abstract
    c) A letter of recommendation from a supervisor/ employer/ mentor/ that attests to:
    – Your current and future potential to contribute to comparative and international education scholarship in the region and/or within Samoa
    – Your level of need (i.e. are there other resources available to the applicant for attending the conference within the institution) for receiving such an award

Please direct any queries about the OCIES/NUS Samoa Education Leadership Awards to: