Network grants

The OCIES promotes a relational approach to the exchange and generation of ideas, work and scholarly fellowship between educators, researchers and education policy actors. The function of the society serves to bring together members contributions and develop their roles within the wider field of comparative and international education, and in doing so to link these with the broader Comparative and International Education community, including the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES). 

The purpose of the OCIES Networks grants is to support the gathering together of our community by providing the institutional and financial support to OCIES members to extend and increase the frequency of these endeavours. The grants will enable members to undertake collaborations or networking initiatives thereby deepening these exchanges and relationships. Funding for the grants are sourced from OCIES conference and membership fee surplus. Applications will only be considered where the applicant is a current member of OCIES.

We invite two types of funding applications; Large and Small.

Small Grants

Grants of up to AUD $200 are available to members to host small gatherings of local people to get together to share research/ideas, collaborate, network etc. All applications must meet the criteria listed below. It is an expectation that part of the outcomes would be in the form of contributing a story for the OCIES Newsletter. Small grant applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year. Members may receive one small grant per calendar year. Small grant applications will be assessed by a team of two members of the General Committee including the Treasurer and another committee member. 

Large Grants

Large grant funding opportunities will be advertised and offered only within a set time frame.

Grants of up to AUD $5,000 will be available and must be used within 12 months of receiving the grant. Members may receive one Large grant every three years, in addition to an annual Small grant.  Application criteria, process and examples of eligible activities are provided below.  Applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of OCIES Executive Committee members and representatives of the wider OCIES membership.  

Application Criteria

Applications will be assessed against the following criteria: 

  • The applicant is a current paid member of OCIES
  • The proposed activities directly contribute to strengthening relationships, awareness or understanding of and between CIE researchers/practitioners/students within Oceania. 
  • Activities are achievable within the proposed timeframe, are relevant to the proposed aims and expected outcomes, and have clear outputs specified. 
  • Benefit to OCIES as a society are described
  • Budget is reasonable and represents value for money
  • If research is involved, the application demonstrates some consideration of how ethics approval will be sought and/or provides evidence of ethics approval.
  • Applicants have not received a similar award under within the specified time frame. 

Application Process 

Applications are to be lodged on the Networking Grants page on the OCIES Website. Sections of the form include: 

  • Indication of type of grant Small or Large being sought
  • names of all participants, their institutions, their positions and email addresses
  • aims and expected outcomes
  • proposed activities and expected outputs, including time-frames
  • consideration of ethics where applicable
  • for Large grants a detailed budget including details of any other funding sourced for the activity or in-kind support (e.g. free venue hire from the applicants’ institution)
  • for Small grants a summary list of expenses
  • expected benefits to OCIES and specifically the contribution the activity will make to strengthening networks and relationships between CIE researchers/practitioners across Oceania

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application for Small grants within two weeks of receipt. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application for a Large grant within one month of the date of closing. 

The funds must be used within the year of approval, and a short write up for the OCIES Newsletter must be submitted for the following addition. For Large grants a brief summary report submitted on completion with receipts for acquittal of expenditure.

Some examples of eligible initiatives

  • Large grant
    • Seminars or workshops that promote CIE research involving a range of participants
    • Collaborative research into CIE teaching within the region
    • Collaborative research from different Oceania institutions to produce discussion papers, edited volumes, Special Issues of IEJ, course development etc. 
    • Visits of CIE researchers from one institution to another within the region, during which the visiting fellow may deliver presentations, take guest lectures etc.
  • Small grants
    • Networking morning tea
    • Research presentations on campus 

We welcome any other ideas that fit with the above criteria. If you have an idea but are unsure as to whether it fits the criteria, please contact us to discuss it further.

To apply, please contact us.