Notice to 2022 OCIES AGM

Kia ora koutou, Greetings from Aotearoa New Zealand

Notice is given of the OCIES AGM 2022 to be held during the OCIES 2022 conference at Lautoka, Fiji at 15.00 FJ time on Tuesday 22 November July 2020.

All financial members are encouraged to attend and participate in person or via a link to be sent by email nearer the time.

In order for the AGM to run smoothly within a reasonable time period, a number of administrative matters require prior attention. This notice calls for nominations for post holders on the Executive Committee and General Committee, and also calls for reports and other items for the AGM agenda.

  1. Nominations for Executive Committee Members

The OCIES governance structure has provision for Executive Committee members (post holders) and General Committee members. Appointment of Executive Committee members for the period 2022-4 will take place at the AGM. Nominations for vacant positions should be lodged before the AGM where possible.

  1. Associate Professor Kabini Sanga has indicated that he will step down from the role of Co-President. This creates a vacancy.
  2. There is a pre-existing vacancy from 2021 as Co-President.
  3. Alvin Chand was appointed as Communications Officer by the Executive Committee between AGMs. He is willing to remain in post. However, under the constitution others may be nominated for this role.
  4. Because the following post holders are in the first year of a two-year cycle and have indicted their willingness to remain in post, no vacancies exist for Treasurer (Dr Miriam Han) or Secretary (Dr Martyn Reynolds).

The nomination process for vacancies involves support from two individual OCIES members and, in the case of a contested post, a short candidate statement. Those interested in the two vacant Co-president roles are strongly advised to contact the secretary ( before completing the nomination process.

Anyone interested in contesting the Communications post (not vacant) should also contact the secretary.

Completed nominations for the Co-President posts should arrive with the secretary as soon as possible. For convenience, we ask for nominations by 10 November.

  • Nominations for General Committee Members

Election of General Committee members for the period 2022-3 will take place at the AGM. We hope that current members will re-stand and that new and/or additional members will be appointed. The constitution allows for up to 10 positions.

The current areas covered by members of the General Committee are:


New and emerging Researchers of Oceania

World Council matters.

However, members who serve on the General Committee are not limited to these areas and responsiveness to need and initiative are encouraged.

The nomination process for General Committee members involves support from two individual OCIES members. For convenience, we ask that nominations reach the OCIES secretary by 10 November at However, nominations can also be made at the AGM.

All current financial members of OCIES can nominate and vote for candidates. Candidates must be current financial members of OCIES and can be located anywhere but must have regular access to the internet.

  • Reports and other items for the AGM agenda.

Members who wish to submit reports or other items for the OCIES 2022 AGM should do so by 15 November to This is to allow circulation by email.

Questions regarding the above matters or the AGM in general can be submitted to the secretary.

Ngā mihi,

Kind regards

Martyn Reynolds, OCIES Secretary, 01.11.2022