44th annual OCIES conference (2016)

"Exploring equity gaps in education: Toward unity, not uniformity"

44th Annual Conference of the
Oceania Comparative and International Education Society (OCIES)

University of Sydney, 24-26 November 2016.


Building on last year’s successful explorations of strengthening of relationships within Oceania and beyond, the theme for the 2016 OCIES conference aimed to explore the notion of equity gaps in education throughout local, regional, and global contexts. We aimed to consolidate the revitalisation of our regional society that began with our change of name last year, by continuing to encompass the diversity of issues, interests, perspectives, and contexts represented in Oceania and beyond.

OCIES group photo

2016 OCIES Keynote Speakers: Unaisi Nabobo-Baba and Frances Vavrus
More information about the 2016 OCIES Conference is available here: Summary