48th annual OCIES conference (2020)

"Festival of OCIES"

OCIES members gather each November for our annual conference. In light of the Covid-19 Pandemic, this year we held the Festival of OCIES – a virtual conference facilitated through Zoom – over 8 – 11 December, 2020.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Festival – we had over 65 facilitators and speakers sharing their insights, learnings and reflections over 20 sessions throughout the week.  We were incredibly pleased with the level of participation and the richness of discussions.  The aim of the Festival was to celebrate the richness of our OCIES community and to provide an opportunity for connection across geographic distance – we believe this was achieved and hope you do too!   If you attended the conference, please take 5 minutes to complete our feedback form to help us learn and improve future events:

Click here for the Festival of OCIES Feedback Form


For those of you who were not able to attend,  recordings of some of the sessions are now available on our YouTube channel – click here to view them

The programme and abstracts are also still available are the links below: 

Download the Festival of OCIES 2020 Virtual Conference Programme

Download Conference Abstracts

Writing for publication workshop resources 

We were very pleased to offer as part of the Conference programme a workshop on Writing for publication with a better chance of success, led by Professor Carol Mutch.  Below is a link to some of the extremely useful resources and worksheets that were used during the workshop.  

Click here to access the Writing for publication workshop resources 


OCIES membership is currently available at half price.  If you are not a current member of OCIES we encourage you to join up by going to our Membership page.

If you would like to stay in touch but are not a member, please fill in the enquiry form below and we will make sure you receive updates from us about the conference and other upcoming events.


If you have any questions, please contact us on ocies.org@gmail.com